If a complaint is made and cannot be resolved by the initial recipient, it will be passed to an appropriate member of the Customer Care team who will follow a standard procedure as outlined below:

  1. During working hours (8.30 – 17.00 Monday to Thursday and 8.30 – 16.00 on Friday) customer care will provide written acknowledgment within 5 days of receiving a complaint and will gather further information regarding the complaint.
  2. Path to Resolution Letter – No later than 10 calendar days from the Complaint Initiation Date, Prospect Homes will provide, a written Path to Resolution which outlines to the customer how Prospect Homes will investigate the complaint. This will include notifying a Customer if the complaint may be subject to a resolution service.
  3. Complaint Assessment and Response Letter – No later than 30 calendar days from the Complaint Initiation Date, a customer will be sent a Complaint Assessment and Response Letter from Prospect Homes
  4. Eight week (56 day) Letter – where the complaint is not closed and no later than 56 calendar days from the Complaint Initiation Date, a Customer will be sent an Eight Week Letter from Prospect Homes. The Eight Week Letter must include the following information:
    1. A clear summary of what action has been taken to date.
    2. Clear details of what is still outstanding, a reason why and the actions to be taken.
    3. An indicative timescale for resolution
    4. The frequency that updates will be provided to the Customer by Prospect Homes until resolution, which must not be more than 28 calendar days.
  5. Closure Letter – to be sent by Prospect Homes to the Customer at any stage following the Complaint Initiation Date. This letter must include:
    1. A list of the items agreed in the complaint Assessment and Response Letter and confirmation that each item has been resolved.
    2. Information about how to refer matters to a New Homes Ombudsman Service

For the avoidance of doubt, Prospect Homes may choose to aggregate several complaints into a single complaint, provided that the timetable shall apply from the first such complaint received.

All responses to customer complaints will, where possible, be made by telephone. Failing this the response will be made via the same medium as it was received.